Christmas Through Their Eyes: The Shepherds
Advent Candle Lighting - Becky Thayer Family
“The Candle of JOY”
Scripture: Joseph and Mary went up from Galilee, from the city of Nazareth to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem. And while they were there, the time came for her to be delivered. And she gave birth to her first-born son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths, and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for him in the inn.
Luke 2:4, 6, 7
Today we light the third candle of Advent; it is the candle of joy. When the angel Gabriel told Mary that a special child would be born to her, Mary was led with joy. She sang a song that began with the words: “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior” (Luke 1:46-47, NKJV).
Just as the birth of Jesus gave great joy to His mother, so His presence in the world gave joy to those who had none before. He healed them and gave them hope when they believed in Him. From hope grows joy.
Shepherds on the hillside outside the city were told by a multitude of angels that the babe born in Bethlehem would bring “joy to the world,” but more importantly He would be the “joy of the world.”
We light the candle of joy to remind us that when Jesus is born in us, we have joy and that through Him there will be everlasting joy on earth.