Maundy Thursday - A Virtual Seder Remembrance
Apr 9, 2020 • Kaitlyn Wood
On Maundy Thursday we remember the last meal that Jesus shared with His disciples - the Passover Seder. In this video, we bring you many favorite elements of the our Seder dinner in a fun new way.
(Grab your matzoh and follow along)
Order of "Service" -
The Shema - read by David Edelstein
Scripture Reading - Matthew 26
The 4 Questions: Asked by United:Kids
Explained by Pastor Kaity w/ Levi, Jonah, and Aaron
Scripture Reading: Matthew 26
Song - "No Longer Slaves" led by Matthew Wood with Levi, Jonah, and Aaron
The Bread
The Cup
Blessing & Sending
Benediction by Naomi Hillary