{RE:} Renewed Fire

Thursday: Renewed Fire
Renewed hearts, minds, strength and... a renewed fire.
Read: 2 Timothy 1:6-7
"For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of hands. For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline."
Paul is writing to Timothy from prison, knowing that his life is nearing its end. As one of his final acts, Paul wants to encourage Timothy (a young pastor that Paul personally mentored). Things in the church are messy at the time - some former partners have walked away, some churches have turned against Paul and his associates, there is persecution, and the moment is tense and discouraging to say the least.
- In difficult seasons filled with tension, conflict, trial, or disappointment, it is easy to lose our passion.
- When have you felt most "on fire" for God - What brought that on? What did it feel like? What was different in your life because of it?
- What things in life cause your "fire" to dim?
It is sort of easy to light a flame, but without the right conditions a single flame quickly fades. Paul tells Timothy to "fan the flame" - to not let his passion grow cold in the midst of a difficult season.
- What can you do to "fan" the flame in your spirit when it begins to grow dim?
- Invite the Holy Spirit to breath into your life today. Ask for a fresh wind from God to fan the flame, reignite the fire in your spirit, and renew your passion for the Gospel.
I ask you, Lord Jesus,
to develop in me,
an immeasurable urge towards you,
an affection that is unbounded,
a longing that is unrestrained,
a fervor that throws discretion to the winds!
The more worthwhile our love for you,
all the more pressing does it become.
Reason cannot hold it in check,
fear does not make it tremble
wise judgment does not temper it.
Richard Rolle (ca. 1300–1349), an English mystic and writer of spiritual treatises
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{Re:} "Even now, Return"{RE:} "Return from your evil deeds"{RE:} "Has no one else returned?"{RE:} Return to Dust{RE:} "How Do We Return?"{RE:} There's One Thing I Remember{RE:} Remember the Wonderful Works{RE:} Remember for Generations{RE:} Every Time I Remember You{RE:} Always Ready to Remind{RE:} Renewed Minds{RE:} Renewed Hearts{RE:} Renewed Strength{RE:} Renewed Fire{RE:} Renewed Daily{RE:} Repent and Believe!{RE:} Repent and Recreate{RE:} Repent and Run!{RE:} Repent and Bear Fruit{RE:} Repent & Be Refreshed!
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To keep a fire going, it is important to stir the wood already in it or rearrange the pieces before putting in new wood. That means rearranging my previous set of priorities so that the fire that was suppressed in my spirit gets more air and rekindles.
"It only takes a spark to keep the fire going "
All I can think of is this song, probably 20 years old at this point but it speaks to me:
I am having severe difficulty reading today's lesson. Please pray that God will give me eyes that can see. The one thing I could read is to "Fan the flame". I know that when I feel far away from God, it is me who has moved and not God. It is then then I know that I need to Bring the embers back to a flame by reading my Bible a Searching for God in the corners of my life. It is then that I remember then I had to let my relationship with the Lord slip in the hurriedness Or tediousness of my life. Lord help me to keep you in the forefront of my mind, my heart and my soul.
I haven't been able to pull up Melody's song, but the one Becky mentioned is sure important to me. "Pass it On"-"It only takes a spark to get a fire going" was played the night I was born again! God spoke loudly and called my name during that song. I have been praying for "renewed fire"- "first love" faith and I am hearing Him call my name again. This week, I heard Him say "I'm not done with you. It's time to step into new songs." Faning into flame the fire of faith does require rearranging things as David said. In my case, more time at the piano! Doug and I have begu to work on some new( to us) songs. It is exciting! God, whatever You want to do with me, I am Yours! Fan the flames of faith in my life!
I am particularly struck by Paul's exhortation to Timothy not to be timid, as this is the word I am focusing on this Lent. Personality, 2 years of pandemic restrictions, and moving to a new place all contribute toward this sense. Passion and fire honestly sound a bit over the top to me, but I can handle God calling me to love and self-discipline backed by the kind of power that is quiet but unfailing.