Prayer 556 - Week 1, Tuesday

Tuesday: A Revealing Fire

Yesterday, we read about fire as something that purifies. As we think about the Holy Spirit and fire today, I want to look at fire as a way that God reveals himself to us. While we may not always get signs as awe-inspiring as a burning bush, we will notice God’s presence and revelation to us when we make ourselves aware.

Take note in the passage below that Scripture is careful to point out that God was in the burning bush, and Moses noticed it, but it was only when he turned aside (stepped out of his routine/busy-ness) that God spoke to him. 


Exodus 3: 1-4
”Moses was keeping the flock of his father in law, Jethro, the priest of Midian; he led his flock beyond the wilderness, and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire out of a bush; he looked, and the bush was blazing, yet it was not consumed. Then Moses said, “I must turn aside and look at this great sight, and see why the bush is not burned up.” When the Lord God saw that he had turned aside to see, God called out to him from the bush.”

For reflection/journaling:

Have you ever experienced a time when God revealed himself to you? What was that like? If you aren’t able to think of anything right away, invite God to look over your life with you and ask him to show you places where he has been with you - even when you didn’t notice at first.

Where do you see God at work in your life right now? In what ways - big or small - has God been faithful to lead, protect, inspire, or comfort you lately? If God hasn’t felt near to you recently, ask the Holy Spirit to give you eyes to see where God has been with you even in the silence.

Are you someone who is typically so busy, numb, focused, etc that you aren’t able to notice God revealing himself to you? How can you use this time in the mornings as a way to “turn aside” and notice God in your daily life?


I believe

my life is touched by you,
that you want something for me,
and of me.

Give me ears
to hear you,

to see the tracing of your finger,

and a heart
quickened by the motions of your spirit.

-Ted Loder (“Guerillas of Grace”)


Kaitlyn Wood - February 22nd, 2021 at 8:04pm

Hey everyone, I’m trying to figure out how to adjust the comment section so you don’t have to enter your email each time. I will keep working on it. Thanks for working through the bugs with me!

Nick Tebordo - February 23rd, 2021 at 4:21am

It is amazing to see the number of things that flashed before my eyes as I asked God to show me He has been with me. In times of great trial-in times of great joy -in times when I sinned and broke His heart, God has always been with me. This morning, I am sleepy, but God is here. I am learning that “turning aside” brings me into the Kingdom Reality. Moses was at Horeb when He sees the Burning Bush. It is upon this mountain that He will later receive the 10 Commandments. It is at the base of this Mountain that Aaron will forge the golden calf. In good times and in bad, God is here. Let the Fire fall and reveal His presence and His message as we pray Thy Kingdom Come.

Sara Shaffer - February 23rd, 2021 at 4:29am

Something that comes to mind is, one day I was feeling really down. I was on a walk with my dog Rosie. There were many clouds in the sky. I remember praying, God do you see me? Do you see my sadness? And just then, the clouds moved and the sun shone right in my face. I laughed and cried and knew He was showing He saw me and was there.

susan Blais - February 23rd, 2021 at 4:31am

I remember the one time that I had the most remarkable encounter from God. I had gone to Maine where God always seems to talk to me, and thought our conversation would be on the marginal Way. Instead he chose to speak to me when I was sitting on a sofa in a room. I was totally taken off Guard when I felt in my spirit that the Lord said to me “I know your body is not being kind to you, but I have a better body for you“. First of all I was delighted that God knew of my condition. I know that he tells us in his word that he knows us by name and that even as he cares for the sparrow, he cares for us. However at that time I was having so many problems, that I did not think the Lord even cared. But he did and this surprised me. Second of all he made a promise to me that he has a new body for me when that is totally unlike the body that I have now. I kept seeing visions of that body dancing. Now God didn’t tell me when I might have this body, but I have always thought of that body whether it is here on earth or in heaven when I go to be with God. I have clung to this encounter with God for the most of my life… It probably has been well over 30 years since I had this encounter with God, but it is the thrust of my life and continues to energize and keep me focused all of my days.

Nikki Wood - February 23rd, 2021 at 5:27am

I do believe God revealed himself to me physically when I was 8 years old, letting me know that he was walking my path with me if if I kept my eyes and hearts on him my life could be whatever I wanted it to be. That I was not alone and then my path would not be easy He would be with me always. That moment forever changed my life and I will always give him the glory and thanks to all the things that I am and have in my life. I continue to pray that I can slow down and hear and see him every day. That I can do the work he’s called me to do be the person he’s called me to be! It’s when I’m still that I can hear him the clearest! ♥️

DAVID S EDELSTEIN - February 23rd, 2021 at 5:42am

Although it was good to read the comments of others, I don't have the same dramatic moments. It's more like that of Elijah's "still small voice" experience. At times when I am walking in my neighborhood, I might pray that the Holy Spirit reveal to me what the Father wants to say to me. Sometimes I hear about a neighbor to pray for and an action I need to take. Also when I read scripture, and something new occurs to me, that is God revealing himself to me. I never noticed until this morning that Moses had no problem leading, shepherding his sheep, and navigating through the same wilderness and around the same mountain that he would later lead the lost and meandering Israelites for forty years.

Melody Nadeau - February 23rd, 2021 at 5:49am

When my kids were younger, before AJ and I were married, we used to go to the Utica Zoo often, and on Mother's day it was free admission. One Mother's day it had been raining for days, and it was finally sunny. We had to use the overflow parking--a muddy field on the bottom of a ski hill next to the zoo. And my little Renault got completely stuck, so deeply that I couldn't drive it out. This was before cell phones so... I told the kids to pray. In about five minutes, a tow truck driver knocked on my window and asked if he could help-- he pulled us out then wouldn't take anything for helping us.

These days, I've been hearing God's guidance on a quieter, more regular level in an area I continue to struggle with. Now and then ideas on making different choices have come along, and I've been listening, choosing his way, and seeing evidence that God is working.

Linda Comstock - February 23rd, 2021 at 8:29am

"He touched me and made me whole". The most revealing time Jesus came to me was the night I turned my life over to Him. It was in 1979. I had no desire for God or church or anything religious. I had lost so much in my life from my mother to aunts and uncles who died that I lived with to an uncle who abused me to an alcholic husband (my first) that in my eyes there was no God. When my ex husband asked me to go to church because he was being baptised I cursed all the way. Was nervous and smoked cigarettes one after the other. When there was an alter call I flew out of the pew and just about ran to the alter. Now I had never been in a church service such as this one - only the Catholic church. I never looked back after that. He's revealed Himself in other ways through emotional healing and in quiet times with Him.




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