Lent 2024 | Day 4

 Day 4 (Saturday, Feb 17)
As I enter prayer now, I pause to be still; to breathe slowly, to re-center my scattered senses upon the presence of God.1

Pause and pray.

All come from dust, and to dust all return. (Ecclesiastes 3:20)

Think about it.

Fasting falls in the "dying with Jesus" category. We want to consider "rising with Jesus" as well, especially as we prepare for worship tomorrow, our weekly resurrection celebration. Thinking about coming from dust and returning to it might seem like an odd place to start thinking about resurrection. But I heard recently about the untimely death of a young man who unexpectedly died in his sleep, leaving a wife and three young children behind. It’s hard to imagine their devastation. But at the same time, it reminds me how precious the gift of life is. Too often I take it for granted.

Pause and pray.

I invite you today to be on the lookout for something that captures your appreciation of the gift of life. Perhaps it will be something you notice in God’s beautiful creation, or in the interaction with a loved one. Perhaps there is a memory, or even an event today that reminds you that God is behind the greatest gifts of all. Where do you see the preciousness of life today?

Come, Lord Jesus.

The life of mortals is like grass, they flourish like a flower of the field. (Psalm 103:15)

(1)  Prayer used daily in Lectio365 found at https://www.24-7prayer.com/resource/lectio-365/

1 Comment

Nick Tebordo - February 17th, 2024 at 2:46pm

I so enjoy the gift of family life! We spent the morning at Jacob's basketball game followed by lunch with Jacob, Mike, Nikki,and Graham. Tonight we will have dinner with the Hogans to celebrate Bekah's birthday. Hogans will be coming soon. Moreover, I see the Church as family! What a gift God has given us! The Trinity has existed in community for all eternity. Now, we live in community. This reninds me of the need to be on the lookout for those who feel isolated or alone.




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