Prayer 556 - Week 3, Monday

Monday - Planted by the Water

For the next few weeks, we will be meditating on the image of water in Scripture. In the Bible, water is often used to depict cleansing, and we will get to that image, but water is also essential to sustain life both personally and as a community. In Biblical times, flourishing civilizations were developed near water sources - bodies of water provided easily accessible drinking water and made soil fertile for crops. So, for this morning, we are thinking about water as something that is necessary for a flourishing life.


Jeremiah 17: 7-8
“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord,
    whose confidence is in him.
They will be like a tree planted by the water
    that sends out its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes;
    its leaves are always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought
    and never fails to bear fruit.”


It is difficult to place our trust in God at times, we are tempted to  find a sense of security in the people around us, our job or status, our retirement plan, or something else that we can touch and see easily.

Can you take a moment and confess to God the things that you have put your trust in?

Take a few minutes to imagine what a flourishing life would look like for you. Imagine or write down something about yourself or your life that might look different if you found your confidence in God alone.

The end of this passage says that a person who is deeply rooted in God has no fear of hurricane or drought - like a tree planted by the waters, they will always bear fruit. If that kind of faithful flourishing and steadfastness is something you desire, take time this morning to ask God for it.

What is one thing you can do this week to plant yourself more deeply by the living water? Name it clearly and commit to it.


O God, help me to feel Your presence everywhere I go today.
To see You in everyone I meet today.
To sense You in all I hear today.
To reflect You in all I do today.
To pray and trust You in all I experience today.
To struggle to be like You in all I am today.
To speak of and for You in all I say today.
To thank You for everything every day.
   - Marian Wright Edelman


Nick Tebordo - March 8th, 2021 at 4:29am

As I write this morning, I am struggling with what Sarah Coweison is going through. This young woman with a young daughter is on hospice. Last year at this time she was not responsive as we went into the pandemic. When I heard she was out of the hospital I rejoiced. When she came to Church last summer, I was thrilled to see this person whom I had last known as a teenager. I have prayed for her and talked with her a number of times, rejoicing at what God was doing in her life. Now, I am saddened by this latest turn in her health.I texted her Mom last night and prayed with her. Because of the pandemic, I don't think I am allowed to see her, but I will check today. I am going deep to find the resources to deal with this. I pray that I am like that tree planted by the water. I want to offer help and support to Sarah's family. I continue to pray for another miracle, but if that is not to be, I pray that God will strengthen me so that I can offer His hope and presence to this family . We have had a miracle over the last year, but I wanted more. At this moment, I stand with Job and say, "I know that my Redeemer lives." Like a tree planted by the water, I shall not be moved. Let my roots go down ever deeper.

Melody Nadeau - March 8th, 2021 at 4:30am

Praying with you and for you, Nick.

Melody Nadeau - March 8th, 2021 at 4:29am

This reading reminds me of planting a tree. We planted a peach tree last year, and one tip we found for helping it to get established in the ground was to slope the dirt around the trunk & root ball, creating a little trench out beyond the roots to hold water. Then when we watered the tree, its roots would have to stretch out toward the trench to get that water--making it more firmly rooted and grounded, keeping it from getting blown over in storms.

I feel that God has been impressing a new direction in my life, and am reaching out to root into him more deeply. I'm going to keep looking for direction in him instead of resting in the familiar and easy. I pray for his imagination!

Nikki Wood - March 8th, 2021 at 4:39am

The place where I struggle the most in leaving it to God is my marriage. I too often try to control all aspects and outcomes. This week I will pray to plant myself in my Faith and trust in God's plan and work in my life and relationship. To stop standing in my own way abs my my confidence in God to be in control! To be still and know. ♥️

susan Blais - March 8th, 2021 at 5:39am

Water, or lack there of, is such an important part of my life. Being on dialysis, it is imperative that I monitor the amount of water, or any kind of fluid, in my life. Too little water puts my life in danger and too much every bit of water that I put in my body must be removed by dialysis, not by normal means. I must rely on God. My "tree" must not be planted near the stream, because that would be dangerous for me. Yeah I must still trust in God alone.


Linda Comstock - March 8th, 2021 at 7:18am

Nikki...I can relate with your struggle. In my marriage I have high expectations of my husband. I need to let go and let God. I need to let God be my sole spiritual leader and accept that it is not in my husbands make up to be such. My desireis for him to guide me

Linda Comstock - March 8th, 2021 at 7:21am

I hit the wrong button and submitted my writing before I finished. Now I don't know how to review it to make changes. Oh well..God knows my heart.

Nick Tebordo - March 8th, 2021 at 3:56pm

I got to see Sarah today. She knew me and smiled at me but she was in a lot of pain. I sang to her, shared Scripture, and prayed with her. If I get permission, I am going to try and see her every other day . She is in hospice at Saratoga Hospital. Thank you for your prayers. I can feel the love for her, her family--and me. Thank you!




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