Week 3, Tuesday
Tuesday - Well Watered
Jeremiah's words yesterday promise us that, if we remain "planted by the waters", we will not wither when the heat comes. These prophetic words don't promise that we won't ever face these difficult seasons, only that they will not destroy us. Today, the prophet Isaiah is speaking a word about that dry season. Read below what promise God is making to the people.
Isaiah 58:11
The Lord will guide you always;
he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land
and will strengthen your frame.
You will be like a well-watered garden,
like a spring whose waters never fail.
Are there parts of your life that feel like a "sun scorched land" right now? Take a minute to name whatever it is that is feeling dry, lifeless, or hopeless in and around you.
The promise God makes to the people of Israel here are the result of some pretty big commands. In the verses that come before this promise, God commands the Israelites to live a life that is selfless - one that seeks the best for all people. It seems one of the ways we can be deeply planted is to serve others.
What is your experience of serving? Is it something you do regularly? Does it refresh you? Where you can you spend yourself on behalf of others this week?
A spring of water requires a constant flow of fresh water to keep it from becoming stagnant.
What is the source of living water for you? Where do you seek it? How do you find refreshing?
O God,
with you is the well of life
and in your light we see light.
Impart to us the brightness of divine knowledge,
where our thirsting souls
may drink the water of life,
and our darkened minds
perpetual light from heaven;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
- Mozarabic, 8th century
Isaiah 58:11
The Lord will guide you always;
he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land
and will strengthen your frame.
You will be like a well-watered garden,
like a spring whose waters never fail.
Are there parts of your life that feel like a "sun scorched land" right now? Take a minute to name whatever it is that is feeling dry, lifeless, or hopeless in and around you.
The promise God makes to the people of Israel here are the result of some pretty big commands. In the verses that come before this promise, God commands the Israelites to live a life that is selfless - one that seeks the best for all people. It seems one of the ways we can be deeply planted is to serve others.
What is your experience of serving? Is it something you do regularly? Does it refresh you? Where you can you spend yourself on behalf of others this week?
A spring of water requires a constant flow of fresh water to keep it from becoming stagnant.
What is the source of living water for you? Where do you seek it? How do you find refreshing?
O God,
with you is the well of life
and in your light we see light.
Impart to us the brightness of divine knowledge,
where our thirsting souls
may drink the water of life,
and our darkened minds
perpetual light from heaven;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
- Mozarabic, 8th century
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{Re:} "Even now, Return"{RE:} "Return from your evil deeds"{RE:} "Has no one else returned?"{RE:} Return to Dust{RE:} "How Do We Return?"{RE:} There's One Thing I Remember{RE:} Remember the Wonderful Works{RE:} Remember for Generations{RE:} Every Time I Remember You{RE:} Always Ready to Remind{RE:} Renewed Minds{RE:} Renewed Hearts{RE:} Renewed Strength{RE:} Renewed Fire{RE:} Renewed Daily{RE:} Repent and Believe!{RE:} Repent and Recreate{RE:} Repent and Run!{RE:} Repent and Bear Fruit{RE:} Repent & Be Refreshed!
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"In your Presence , there is fullness of joy. At Your right hand there are pleasures forevermore. Nothing less will do! When we seek Him with ALL our hearts we will find Him. Nothing less will do. The roots are reaching for water, and He is the source. In our quest to serve, we remember that when we serve the broken, the hungry, the lonely we are serving Him. To present the Kingdom to others keeps the water from becoming stagnant. The outflow is matched and more by the inflow when we take time to enjoy His presence where there is joy forevermore .
I am hearing the gentle cooing of a dove outside my window. Doves are always reminders of the Holy Spirit to me. I am reading a book by NT Wright about the sensitivity of the Holy Spirit. He is the Comforter who will lead us into all Truth. He leads us to the source of Living Water.
I feel most refreshed and filled when I am around people who love me. When I take a moment to pray and just talk with God. I enjoy serving very much. When I feel I am being the hands and feet of Christ I feel refreshed and refilled. I know hard times, Ive had my share, and I know when we go through difficult times it's hard to remember that we are not alone, that this won't destroy us and that God is walking with us but it's when we remember God is still with us and lean on our Faith we find our strength to keep walking. I pray today for everyone struggling through difficult times, especially right now for Sarah and her family! I pray for guidance, strength and wisdom for those being there for them! My love to you all!
Thank you very much Nikki for what you wrote it was pretty right down there. I know this sounds pretty strange but I surely can relate to everything that you wrote. Unless a person has really honestly totally walk alone, and I'm walking alone you really do know that God is there with you but there are a lot of times where it's just too much to bare. I'm sure I'm probably not making much sense right now, but I talk to my heavenly father all the time and I know I love him with all my heart and I know he is there but that still doesn't mean that when you're alone you're very lonely . I'm sure this doesn't make sense to most people unless you've actually walked that walk and are still walking that walk. Loneliness is a very horrible thing for anyone. Anyway thank you Nikki for that and I am deeply praying for Sarah and her family.
It almost feels shallow and obvious to say that being without family gatherings is a dry place for me, because most people are going through the same thing right now. I haven't seen my oldest son, daughter in law, and their kids since last March, and my parents since last July. Video chat is great but...it's really not the same.
It definitely does help to serve, even by bringing baked goods to people or flowers and veggies from the garden, which we'll be able to enjoy before we know it. This year I'm hoping to work with a man Kaitlyn connected me to on facebook, to give seedlings to anyone who would like to plant a garden. All of this certainly does help build connection, but the exile life is real in this pandemic.
Some of my joyous times are serving others. I have volunteered serving at community meals, a food pantry, assisting ppl going to doctor appointments. I'm at a loss right now feeling like I don't have a purpose and am searching for a place to volunteer. Listening to worship music, sitting in my prayer chair reading, being at the ocean or just on or near water refreshes me. God's amazing creation coming to life lifts my soul.
Not being able to feel or move my legs makes me feel like it is hopeless that I will ever walk again due to what I have been told by PT/OT and the doctors. Going to a nursing home/rehab because I am at a total care level which means long-term care. This means it will be longer before I am able to see family in person and before I can be independent without a lot of help from others.Being bed ridden/wheel chair bound because I won't be able to do the things I use to enjoy. This all is dry situation to me.My experience of serving is helping my mother care for the animals at her house and helping my dad, sister, and step mom watch my nephew so he does what he is suppose(right thing) to and not do what will get him into trouble(wrong thing).Due to Covid 19. I don't do this much, but Ican call my father or set up a zoom session to help my father, sister, and stepmom with my nephew. The source of living water for me is worship because worship boosts my mood even when I am in a bad mood. I can seek worship by going into a room by myself, turning on christian music, reading a verse from the bible, and praying.Worship takes my mind into a place where there is nothing wrong, everything is hopeful, and everything is positive because I know God the Father, Holy spirit, Holy ghost, and Jesus the Son is always with me.Yes it does refresh me because ot gets my mind off of my problems and to focus on something more positive and productive instead of worrying. This is because I feel like my purpose from God to complete on Earth is to help others.
Samantha, I thank God for your attitude as you seek water in this difficult time. We are praying for you.