Prayer 556 - Week 5, Monday
Monday - Teach us to PRAY
Let's take this week to talk about prayer. Some of you may feel like you've got a great prayer life, that you hear from God throughout the day, and you feel confident in prayer. Others may feel like they never know what to say, or start with good intentions and get side tracked, or never really take the time. Many of you will be somewhere in between these.
Have you ever heard someone pray out loud and just think "Man, I wish I could pray like that!" Or maybe they pray in such a way that it sounds like they are really connecting with God in a way you long for? I think that's what the disciples were thinking in the beginning of the passage were' going to read today.
Luke 11: 1-4 (MSG)
One day Jesus was praying in a certain place.
When he finished, one of his disciples said,
“Master, teach us to pray just as John taught his disciples.”
So he said,
“When you pray, say,
Father, Reveal who you are.
Set the world right.
Keep us alive with three square meals.
Keep us forgiven with you and forgiving others.
Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil.”
When someone starts talking about your prayer life, what feelings or thoughts immediately come to mind?
Do you get defensive or feel guilty because you haven't made the time lately?
Do you feel a longing for a meaningful prayer rhythm?
Do you wonder if it's really all that necessary?
Take time right now to write down your first thoughts about prayer.
Put yourself in the position of the disciples who heard Jesus pray and thought, "Man, I want to pray like that! Teach me!!" Consider asking God this morning to show you some new way to pray.
If there are parts of your prayer life that you wish were different altogether, ask God, like the disciples - "Teach me how to pray!"
Mark Batterson says "Prayer is the difference between the best we can do and the best God can do." In other words, in prayer we admit that we cannot do all things on our own. We hand things over to God and trust Him.
Do you have a hard time letting go of situations and giving them to God in prayer?
As you sit here this morning, admit to God the people, problems, and situations that you haven't been willing or ready to release control of.
Can you decide this morning that, even just for today, you will open your hands in prayer and give that situation to God for the day (or even the hour)?
O God,
you have have folded back
the mantle of the night
to clothe us in the golden glory of the day.
Drive from our hearts
all gloomy thoughts,
and make us glad
with the brightness of your hope,
that we may aspire
to heavenly virtues;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
- An Ancient Collect, A. D. 590
Have you ever heard someone pray out loud and just think "Man, I wish I could pray like that!" Or maybe they pray in such a way that it sounds like they are really connecting with God in a way you long for? I think that's what the disciples were thinking in the beginning of the passage were' going to read today.
Luke 11: 1-4 (MSG)
One day Jesus was praying in a certain place.
When he finished, one of his disciples said,
“Master, teach us to pray just as John taught his disciples.”
So he said,
“When you pray, say,
Father, Reveal who you are.
Set the world right.
Keep us alive with three square meals.
Keep us forgiven with you and forgiving others.
Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil.”
When someone starts talking about your prayer life, what feelings or thoughts immediately come to mind?
Do you get defensive or feel guilty because you haven't made the time lately?
Do you feel a longing for a meaningful prayer rhythm?
Do you wonder if it's really all that necessary?
Take time right now to write down your first thoughts about prayer.
Put yourself in the position of the disciples who heard Jesus pray and thought, "Man, I want to pray like that! Teach me!!" Consider asking God this morning to show you some new way to pray.
If there are parts of your prayer life that you wish were different altogether, ask God, like the disciples - "Teach me how to pray!"
Mark Batterson says "Prayer is the difference between the best we can do and the best God can do." In other words, in prayer we admit that we cannot do all things on our own. We hand things over to God and trust Him.
Do you have a hard time letting go of situations and giving them to God in prayer?
As you sit here this morning, admit to God the people, problems, and situations that you haven't been willing or ready to release control of.
Can you decide this morning that, even just for today, you will open your hands in prayer and give that situation to God for the day (or even the hour)?
O God,
you have have folded back
the mantle of the night
to clothe us in the golden glory of the day.
Drive from our hearts
all gloomy thoughts,
and make us glad
with the brightness of your hope,
that we may aspire
to heavenly virtues;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
- An Ancient Collect, A. D. 590
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{Re:} "Even now, Return"{RE:} "Return from your evil deeds"{RE:} "Has no one else returned?"{RE:} Return to Dust{RE:} "How Do We Return?"{RE:} There's One Thing I Remember{RE:} Remember the Wonderful Works{RE:} Remember for Generations{RE:} Every Time I Remember You{RE:} Always Ready to Remind{RE:} Renewed Minds{RE:} Renewed Hearts{RE:} Renewed Strength{RE:} Renewed Fire{RE:} Renewed Daily{RE:} Repent and Believe!{RE:} Repent and Recreate{RE:} Repent and Run!{RE:} Repent and Bear Fruit{RE:} Repent & Be Refreshed!
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The collect from AD 590 is beautiful. "Make us glad with the brightness of Your Hope." As we begin this day, it happens that I have been awake for quite awhile. At first, I was upset that I was up so early, but then I decided to listen for God. I have many ideas for the bonfire on Easter Saturday night. It will be a reminder of our journey through the Bible from Creation through Jesus' death and resurrection . There will be lots of children's music and some solos. As I was thinking and praying, Bert's phone vibrated. Our grandson Ezekiel was calling from his computer. Isaac took the car again-at 4:30 in the morning. He asked Nana to call the police which she did. Now we are calling on God for protection and direction. Praying that Isaac and all the others on the road around him will be protected and please God, let this be the time Isaac gets help. I am so grateful for prayer. I love that it is a time when I am learning to hear God's voice. I am learning to embrace times when I waken in the night. In the stillness, it is a great time to pray. I love Mark Batterson's quote. Prayer is a place where our weakness meets God's all sufficiency. I love the fact that Jesus is praying for us right now! "Christ died for us. Christ rose for us. Christ reigns in power for us. Christ prays for us. " These words from Romans have led me to believe that Saints who have gone before us are praying for us as well. The Scriptures tell us that if we are absent from the body , we are present with the Lord. Doesn't it make sense that if He is praying, those who are with Him will pray too. As we pray here on earth, we join them. It's all part of the communion of saints of which we are a part.
What I was around eight years old I believe that Jesus came and had a conversation with me that changed the entire path of my life, from that day I have prayed every day all throughout the day, sometimes it's a quick simple thank you, sometimes it's just pouring out my heart, others it's asking for direction or protection but every time it's just like having a conversation with my best friend, it's real and it's raw and it's a lifeline! I've always felt can't my faith was not about religion per se but more about a relationship with God. He is my rock and my redeemer! Today I will also be praying extra hard for Isaac, Ezekiel Tina and Sam! my heart goes out to all of them along with my love and prayers!
As I tend to be a person of fewer words, I like the rather short blunt version of Jesus's teaching of prayer. Lord, reveal Yourself to me. As the weather has gotten warmer but more so with the increased daylight, I have gotten out more for exercise. Jogging and alternating walking. Praying that the Spirit would fill me up and also cover the people and neighbors whose homes I am passing.
First-- I'm praying for Isaac, Ezekiel, Tina, Sam, and Bert. Praying protection for Isaac especially, that help can somehow find him before he gets hurt.
Then-- I honestly feel inadequate when I think about prayer. I'm really great at praying *for* people and situations, and do this throughout the day when people come to my mind. I'm good at the adoration part of prayer, the "You are holy, mighty, glorified" part that "Hallowed be your name" represents. I'm not bad at confession and thanksgiving-- but I am terrible at hearing God's voice. I hope to become more quiet and contemplative through this study, as Kaitlyn regularly is teaching us to re-read familiar passages, to try different ways of truly seeing things we've seen many times--this is helping me. I am trying to be aware of how my mind wanders and to refocus and discipline it toward God.
Because of my iPad problems, this lesson was very hard for me to read today. When I stop to think about the problem, I realize that I'd probably have not put as much prayer time about this as I have about looking for physical ways to solve this problem. I have looked at different magnifiers and other solutions, but have not given as much time in prayer asking God to heal my eyes. I will try today during the day to lift up This problem during the day.
I love to pray! And, I do it all day long. I relate to this quote by Mark Batterson, when he says "Prayer is the difference between the best we can do and the best God can do." In other words, in prayer we admit that we cannot do all things on our own." But, HERE is where I struggle, "We hand things over to God and trust Him." I have a hard time handing things over to Him. I always want to hold on by a string...and I pull it back when I think I can do something He's not doing on my time schedule. When am I supposed to work WITH Jesus and when am I supposed to TRUST Jesus? That is my prayer. Show me, Jesus. Can you send me a burning bush, like Moses? Or, send an angel, like you did for Mary? Prayers, signs, and angels. Oh yea, and thank you for the Holy Spirit! Journey on... Amen.
Isaac drove the car home. He is safe. We are praying he will get help.