Developing a "Rule" of Life
The word "Rule" in "Rule of Life" =/= Rules or Laws like we think about them... the word comes from the Greek word for "trellis". A trellis is a tool that provides the structure and framework that allows a grapevine to get off the ground and grow up. Pete Scazzero says that it is a "kind of scaffolding to use to build the spiritual structure of our individual life with God."
A Rule should be intentional, conscious, personal, and simple. It includes the unique combination of spiritual practices and daily/weekly/quarterly/annual rhythms that provide structure and direction for us as we seek to grow up in Christ. A rule "begins with an end in mind" and develops a map for the journey.
Daniel's Rule of Life - Included the food he would eat and where/when/how he would pray
The Early Church Rule of Life - Included the rhythm of gathering, eating, teaching/listening, and praying for one another.
Most of us have a Rule of Life, whether we realize it or not. But we are often unaware or unintentional about it and assume that our spiritual growth, development, life, etc are completely out of our control. We might read the Bible, and maybe we do it in the morning because that's what we've been taught is "best." Maybe we're in a small group, and we join whatever one fits our schedule or our friends have joined. We might give some money to the church on Sundays, or pray before dinner at home, or say the "goodnight prayer" with kids before bed, we go to church on Sundays and hear whatever has been prepared. And so, that is our spiritual rhythm and rule.
But today we are inviting you to begin developing an intentional, personal, rule of life for yourself (and possibly your family). It can become the rope that ties you to the barn in the midst of the blizzard we talked about a few months ago! A Rule helps us say "yes" with certainty and excitement and "no" with awareness and confidence because we know our limits.
Things to remember as you develop a Rule of Life:
- You cannot do all the things! (And all things may not be beneficial for you right now) Begin to think about practices that are life giving to you or that are challenging in a way that cause growth.
- Think in terms of Days/Weeks/Months/Quarters/Years... You won't do everything every day. But maybe you could commit to a Day of Silence once per quarter
- Think about your spiritual practices, but also the relational and environmental things that are surrounding you and effect your spirit (what do you do to play or celebrate? how should you better care for your body? how are you nurturing life giving relationships?)
The bottom line is that it should be INTENTIONAL - but for that to happen, you will need to know where you are headed and what kinds of distractions and barriers are likely to pop up in your life, so you can structure your rule around them.
Also - this will be a changing document and a time of trial and error. Some things will seem good on paper, but don't actually translate. This should not become a "have to" or a legalistic endeavor.