Enlarge Your Soul Through Grief and Loss
Too often we are taught to interpret loss as things that interrupt our "normal" "happy" lives. Some of us experience loss like Job, in a sweeping tragedy that upends our lives forever. But most of us experience losses more slowly, over the span of a lifetime, until we find ourselves at the end of our time here.... we lose dreams, we experience loss in transitions (even good ones), we walk through tragedy, we grieve our limits, realize our ideas were wrong....
We all face many deaths in life.
The question is whether these deaths are terminal or open us up for possibility.
The last few weeks will help us think through this week's topic - so many things determine how we face these losses. How did you family handle loss and sadness? Who do you process your grief with?
2/3 of the Psalms are laments - complaints, shouting, rage, despair. Biblical grieving requires us to pour out our losses, emotions, and frustrations to God.
Biblical Grieving:
1) Pay attention to grief, loss, anger, etc
2) Wait in the confusing in-between
3) Embrace your limits
4) Make space for the possibility of new life